Greg Burns on Tribe and Homesteading

Episode 33 · January 26th, 2017 · 1 hr 19 mins

About this Episode

Deep in the woods in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in Ohio roams a bearded hillbilly man. He is carving out his existence on his homestead, providing for his family and growing a community of like-minded families.  This man is Greg Burns.  He is a dedicated husband, dad, homesteader, promotor of Old Ways and leader of tribes called the Lumbersquatches and Get Stuff Done Crew.

I have been looking forward to this interview.  Greg, his wife and his family have boldly gone where Julie and I want to go: to a homestead in a rural location.  Through trial and error, they are learning the Old Ways of how to rear great kids, raise animals, grow food, and develop a sustainable homestead.  Greg is practical and straightforward, and I really appreciate his honest insight.  He has been there and done that!

I am also honored to announce that this podcast is also tied to the launching of  the Brand New Nature's Image Farm Webpage - CHECK IT OUT!  When you place orders using the code "SSL," you will receive a 10% OFF all nursery stock plus FREE shipping.  It is time to plant, so why not order something from Nature's Image Farm?  Even if you do not buy anything, this is a going to be a great resource for new homesteaders like me.  Check out the Homestead How-To Page for more hillbilly homesteading information!
Podcast Topics for my Interview with Greg Burns

In this podcast, Greg and I discuss the following topics:

Introduction - Who is Greg Burns?
Why homesteading?
Hunting on 5 acres
Livestock (moo, oink and cluck)
Trees and Tree Farms
Plans and Dreams for Future Homesteads
Building Small Community and Tribe
The Gift of Time
The Old Ways
Living in Small Spaces with Big Hearts and with a Purpose
Working with Spouses as a Team
Making and Enjoying Homemade Mead and Wines
Butchering and Preserving Hogs using the Old Ways
Head Cheese - Terrine vs. Sylta (Yes, Domres' family, I went there)
Hog Testicles
Tribes/Small Communities
Get Stuff Done Crew
Tips for Buying Rural Land

[caption id="attachment_1578" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Lumbersquatches Greg Burns and Drew Sample - Real Food, Good Men and Good Friends![/caption]
[caption id="attachment_1182" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Hogtoberfest 2016 at Nature's Image Farm[/caption]
Greg and I discussed the following links on this podcast:

Brand New Nature's Image Farm Webpage - CHECK IT OUT!  Remember, any orders using the code "SSL" will receive a 10% OFF all nursery stock plus FREE shipping.  It is time to plant, so why not order something from Nature's Image Farm?

Nature's Image Farm on Social Media
Sample Hour Podcast with Drew Sample and Greg Burns
114 - Nature's Image Farm
124 - The Hilbilliness of Hillbillies
125 - Hogtoberfest 2016 - This is a great episode!  I really enjoyed this one.
Kevin Geary Rebooted Body Podcast - RB099: Epic Food to Nourish Your Body with Taylor Collins

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