Midweek Motivation: Go Full Throttle!

Episode 111 · September 13th, 2018 · 8 mins 21 secs

About this Episode

Midweek Motivation is a weekly episode featuring the wisdom and stories of host Tommy Cakes. In this episode, Tommy discusses Going Full Throttle on life, projects and major efforts.  It is up to you: if you want to have success, you have to go full throttle!

Who is Tommy Cakes?

Live on the Small Scale Life Podcast, it is Midweek Motivation featuring Tommy Cakes.

Hey, how are you?  I am Tommy Cakes.  Who am I?  I'm a guy from someplace, friends with some people and doing some things.  Don't worry about it!

What I can tell you is that I am in the import and export business.

  • I import knowledge
  • I export that information at premium prices!

I will give you a little coastal cosmopolitan insight and motivation weekly on Small Scale Life.

Catching Up and Being Social with Tommy Cakes

My sincere apologies that I have been noticeably absent from the series of Small Scale Life Podcasts of late.  Believe it or not, it has been since July 26th since my last Midweek Motivation Podcast, and that is a long time.  I have been a busy boy doing a little bit of this and a little bit of that, traveling around the country taking care of business.  In my own life, I have been roaring and going at full throttle, and I need to budget more time for these kind of podcast, because I do like being social with you.

Speaking of social, it’s time for a little drinky drink!  It is time for a social.  Are you ready for our first sip?  Count it down with me and raise a glass….3….2….1…Social!

Delicious!  That is really good!

For show notes, pictures and more information, head on over to the article titled Midweek Motivation: Go Full Throttle on Small Scale Life!