My Hell Week: Dealing with Deadlines and Obligations

Episode 112 · September 27th, 2018 · 34 mins 42 secs

About this Episode

Have you ever had a Hell Week where everything just was a disaster? You are under pressure with deadlines looming and little time to regroup and attack the next project or issue. How did you handle it? Last week was my own version of Hell Week. I can summarize last week with one simple word:


Last week, a lot happened at work and in the basement that took me away from Small Scale Life. I simply did not have the time or energy to post podcasts, videos or blog posts. Now that I have put some distance between today and Hell Week, I can develop some thoughts about how I will deal with future projects, obligations and events. In retrospect, it was a good reminder that I need to continue to focus on develop methods and systems to help me live a simple life.

For more on my Hell Week and some suggestions to deal with deadlines and obligations, check out the article posted on Small Scale Life!