Small Scale Life Podcast

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

246 episodes of Small Scale Life Podcast since the first episode, which aired on January 2nd, 2016.

  • Whole30 Challenge Results and Thoughts

    March 17th, 2020  |  28 mins 22 secs
    health and fitness renew you

    In this post and podcast episode, I discuss Whole30 Challenge results a week after completing the challenge and answer the next question: "Whats next?"

  • SSG-Growing Mushrooms and Gardening in Virginia

    February 27th, 2020  |  49 mins 15 secs
    diy, gardening, homesteading, how to

    In this episode of the Small Scale Gardening Podcast, Mr. Tactical Jay and I discuss growing mushrooms and gardening in Virginia.

  • What is Whole30? How to Reset Your Body and Mind

    February 13th, 2020  |  46 mins 23 secs
    health and fitness renew you

    I discuss developing a healthy lifestyle, what is Whole30, what we are doing here at Small Scale Life this month and provide resources for Whole30.

  • SSG: A 3 Step Process for My 2020 Garden Plan

    February 6th, 2020  |  36 mins 41 secs
    diy, gardening, homesteading, how to

    I talk about the 2019 Garden Season, discuss my 2020 Garden Plan process, walk through the 3 steps, and provide the final list for my 2020 Garden.

  • 9 Tips to Start Your $1000 Emergency Fund

    January 30th, 2020  |  40 mins 13 secs
    financial freedom

    We are talking about The Saving Problem, defining an Emergency Fund, discussing our experience and giving you 9 Tips to Start Your $1000 Emergency Fund.

  • SSG: What is Small Scale Gardening?

    January 23rd, 2020  |  29 mins 12 secs
    diy, gardening, homesteading, how to

    In this post and episode, I am defining Small Scale Gardening, and I discuss why it could be a game-changer for new gardeners; veteran gardeners; older or physically challenged gardeners; and renters. This post and podcast episode will serve as a framework for future gardening projects, articles, podcast episodes and videos.

  • 12 Unique New Year’s Resolutions from a Caldera

    January 15th, 2020  |  52 mins 38 secs
    mindset, minimalism, simple living

    In this 160th Episode of the Small Scale Life Podcast, I am going to briefly discuss our wonderful trip to Hawaii, define a Caldera, discuss the 12 Unique New Year’s Resolutions from a Caldera, and walk through a practical application of these Resolutions in your own life.

  • 2019 Year in Review: Top 10 Podcast Episodes and Blog Posts

    January 8th, 2020  |  56 mins 49 secs
    diy, gardening, homesteading, how to

    In this episode of the Small Scale Life Podcast, I share a 2019 Year in Review: Top 10 Podcast Episodes and Top 10 Blog Posts of 2019. I will finish this post by talking about what is on tap for 2020.

  • 11 DIY Christmas Gifts

    December 18th, 2019  |  38 mins 31 secs
    diy, do it yourself, homesteading, simple living, small business

    With Christmas right around the corner, chances are that you have missed critical shipping dates for gifts. It is time to pull out one or more of these 11 DIY Christmas Gifts for family and friends on your list! We also included 4 Bonus DIY Christmas Gifts that would be excellent, but they take some

  • A Long Road Home - Giving Thanks

    December 4th, 2019  |  24 mins 35 secs
    building community-, gardening, homesteading

    In this podcast, I am going to talk about my November travels, and then we are going to talk about the future of Small Scale Life. As a Life Alchemist, I am mixing together equal parts of my own content, content from people in our community, content I find interesting and some good old fashioned fun.

  • Kombucha and Importance of Mentoring

    November 4th, 2019  |  15 mins 35 secs
    kombucha, simple living, small business

    I took a great kombucha class on Saturday from a gentleman who's great tasting kombucha got me interested in making the drink back in late October 2018. Taking the class highlighted the need and importance of mentoring. I also talk about recent posts on Small Scale Life.

  • 10 Kitchen Thrifty Thursday Tips

    October 30th, 2019  |  50 mins 47 secs
    budget, debt free, financial freedom, financial freedom renew you

    In this episode, I am going to discuss 10 Kitchen Thrifty Thursday Tips provided by our Small Scale Life Facebook members, and hopefully you can use some of these tips to take back control of your life and budget while saving some money in the process.

  • It’s Your Life: Do Something Positive

    October 24th, 2019  |  42 mins 46 secs
    building community

    Our time on this earth is limited. It’s your life; do something positive with it! I am going to talk about some people doing positive things in their community, and I am going to talk about a new project and direction for the Small Scale Gardening project.

  • SSG: 6 Lessons Learned from the End of My Garden Season 2019

    October 17th, 2019  |  22 mins 38 secs
    diy, gardening, homesteading, how to

    In this episode, I am going to talk about the 6 Lessons Learned from the End of My 2019 Garden Season, and hopefully you will pick up a thing or two that you can use in your own garden!

  • SSG: Frost is Coming: How to Extend My Garden Season

    October 13th, 2019  |  38 mins 6 secs
    diy, gardening, how to

    Frost is coming this weekend, and I don’t want the party to end.  I am wondering how to extend my garden season?

  • 10 Tips to Successfully Plan and Host an Event

    October 3rd, 2019  |  38 mins 17 secs
    building community

    In this podcast episode, I am going to tell a tale of those two events and give you 10 Tips for How to Successfully Plan and Host an Event.