Happy New Year! A New Cycle Begins....

January 17th, 2024 · 37 mins 37 secs

About this Episode

Happy New Year, friends! Welcome to 2024!

The Small Scale Life Podcast has been silent since April 26, 2023. At that point, we had just announced that we were selling Driftless Oaks Farm, which was our little 10-acre hobby farm in Western Wisconsin. We had a lot of discussions, a lot of soul searching and a lot of work leading up to that point, and what happened afterward was nothing short of a miracle. We had some great offers on the farm, selected an offer, found a new place, got our offer selected and then began the moving process (packing and loading up). At the same time, we kicked off a blitz of projects at the new house.

With real life kicking and a busy job calling, there was no capacity or bandwidth to record, edit, and keep the Small Scale Life Podcast and videos flowing to the audence. Something had to give, and I decided to put this project on a shelf and do the work.

It is a new year, and a new cycle is starting for all of us. Julie has a new business called Willow River Yoga, my son Ryan has things happening and I have charted a new course for Small Scale Life (which really is getting back to my roots of this show if you look back to the first couple blog posts).

For more information about us and links, please head over to the Small Scale Life website. You can sign up for free resources including the 24 Hour Plan, Seed Saving Guide and Budget Bundles on the FREE RESOURCES page.

Also, I discuss the Small Scale Life Wellness Club on Facebook, please head over there for the 24 Hour Plan and to join the conversation.