Growing Grass, Not Food

Episode 43 · May 19th, 2017 · 33 mins 58 secs

About this Episode

Growing Grass, Not Food – S2E11

“Life moves pretty fast; if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it!” The opening monologue in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off could not be more correct!  Life has been moving pretty fast over the past month, and it is time to pull back the curtain and tell you what has been happening.  Regular followers of Small Scale Life on Instagram, Facebook, the Podcast and here at the Blog have probably picked up on a thing or two that something big has been going on in the background.  Not to spoil the fun and suspense, I will just say that I have been growing grass by the square foot, and I don’t mean the fun stuff that people grow in California, Colorado and other states.  No, I have been growing some nice turf in the yard, and growing grass was the first major step towards accomplishing our overall plan.  To learn more and find out why, you’ll just have to listen to the podcast!

Growing Grass; Garden; Minimalism; Moving; Podcast

The last picture of the Small Scale Life Garden at this location – 4/23/17


Podcast Topics and Links for Growing Grass, Not Food

In this podcast, I talk about what has been happening over the past month and discuss the following topics and links:

Friends of Small Scale Life

As I develop friendships in online communities and in real life, I have seen really great people doing great work.  For some, I will be setting up affiliates and memberships as this blog and podcasts grow.  Please check out these friends and take advantage of their offers below:

Natures Image Farm

Nature’s Image Farm – Do you want to add fruit trees or comfrey to your homestead or garden?  Now is the perfect time!  Check out my friend Greg Burns from Nature’s Image Farm for all your nursery stock and comfrey needs!  Greg also has bees on Nature’s Image Farm, so I look forward to his feedback on this episode.

Remember: when you place orders using the code “SSL,” you will receive a 10% OFF all nursery stock plus FREE shipping.  It is time to plant, so why not order something from Nature’s Image Farm?  Even if you do not buy anything, this is a going to be a great resource for new homesteaders like me.  Check out the Homestead How-To Page for more hillbilly homesteading information.

Small Scale Life Facebook Community

Join the Small Scale Life Facebook Community today!

Small Scale Life Facebook Group  – This group will get you a backstage pass and access to other members of the Small Scale Life Community.  We will discuss gardening, healthy lifestyle, frugal living and having adventures along the way! This is also your chance to see what is coming up on Small Scale Life, see some content not shared on the blog, and ask questions of future guests.

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Podcast; Ratings; iTunes; Small Scale Life; Healthy Lifestyle Podcast; Small Scale Life Podcast

Please subscribe to the Small Scale Life iTunes Channel!  If you are a subscriber to the Small Scale Life iTunes Channel, please provide a review for the podcast, consider giving a few stars (not going to lie: I want five stars) for the Podcast.  I really appreciate you as a listener and your feedback.

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  1. Click on this link or the image above.
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  5. You can also write a quick review or some words of encouragement (optional, but appreciated)

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The post Growing Grass, Not Food – S2E11 appeared first on Small Scale Life.