Grounding with Hannah from The Wisconsin Homestead Podcast

Episode 184 · January 19th, 2021 · 44 mins 20 secs
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About this Episode

Julie and I had a great conversation about wellness, homesteading and grounding with Hannah from The Wisconsin Homestead Podcast. Topics include clean eating (Keto and Whole30), grounding, spirituality (energy and the Drum Wash) and of course The Wisconsin Homestead Podcast.

What is Grounding?

For those who may not know what “grounding” is, grounding is a practice where you walk barefoot, sit, or work outside to contact with the Earth's surface. By grounding, you are actually connecting your body to the earth’s energy, and at the same time, you are transferring the earth’s energy from the ground into your body. It really helps you to feel connected to the earth and more at peace. If you don’t believe it, you should give grounding a try!

Why am I talking about this? Well, you’ll see really soon in this podcast episode, and this is part of our Wellness practice on Small Scale Life where we are healing and strengthening our bodies, minds and spirit. We will be talking more about this in future episodes of the Small Scale Life Podcast.

Now, without further adieu, here is Wellness and Grounding with Hannah from The Wisconsin Homestead Podcast. For show notes, check out the post titled "Grounding with Hannah from The Wisconsin Homestead Podcast" on smallscalelife.com.