Small Scale Life Podcast
Learn, do grow and be a little better everyday!
We found 4 episodes of Small Scale Life Podcast with the tag “planning”.
Back to School - Preparing for the Next Phase of Life
August 27th, 2019 | 24 mins 2 secs
goals, mindset, planning, preparedness
In this episode, I discuss sending our young adults back to school and preparing for the next phase of life. Some of our friends are sending their young adults off to college for the first time, and Julie and I have some advice for parents who are feeling that sense of loss. What do you do?
How to Dream Big, Set Goals and Take Steps to Achieve Them
July 14th, 2019 | 27 mins 22 secs
budget, debt free, financial freedom, planning, vision
Do you have dreams and goals? Are you making progress towards achieving those goals? For some people, it is difficult to dream. Others have big plans and goals, but they do not execute and take steps towards making those dreams a future reality. In this podcast, Julie and I discuss How to Dream Big, Set Goals and Take Steps to Achieve Them.
Midweek Motivation: 3P's of Success
July 26th, 2018 | 8 mins 29 secs
3 p's of success, midweek motivation, performance, planning, preparation, purpose, success
In this episode, Tommy discusses the 3 P’s to Success for projects and major efforts. It is up to you: if you want to have success, you have to plan for it and perform.
Healthy Lifestyle Update: Good, Bad and Ugly
November 9th, 2017 | 40 mins 13 secs
accountability, accountability podcast, accountable, active lifestyle, camping, cycling, diet, diet plan, discipline, elliptical trainer, fitness, healthy lifestyle podcast, healthy lifestyle progress report, hiking, kayak, kayaking, kettlebells, kevin geary, meditation, mindset, muscle, planning, podcast, rebooted body, restarting, salad, spin class, state park, swimming, tribe, weekly plan, weightlifting, workout plan
In this episode, I provide a Healthy Lifestyle Update focusing on the good, the bad & the ugly in regards to my journey towards improving health & fitness