Small Scale Life Podcast
Learn, do grow and be a little better everyday!
We found 10 episodes of Small Scale Life Podcast with the tag “friends”.
Finding Folk - July 2019
August 2nd, 2019 | 28 mins 37 secs
building community, family, finding folk, friends
July was a great month full of time spent with family and friends. We need to be part of our community and strengthening existing relationships while making new ones. It isn't always about the money; it's about building social capital!
Happy Thanksgiving 2018!
November 21st, 2018 | 18 mins 35 secs
community, family, friends, happy thanksgiving, recipes, tribe
Happy Thanksgiving, all! I wanted to record a quick podcast to say thank you for being there and being part of our Small Scale Life Family. We wouldn't be here without you, and we hope you enjoy this holiday with others.
Minnesota Traditions - Labor Day 2018
September 11th, 2018 | 42 mins 56 secs
building community, community, family, friends, healthy living, labor day 2018, making friends, minnesota traditions, neighbors, podcast, sacrifice, sacrifice for others, service to others, small scale life forum
I discuss two big Labor Day Minnesota Traditions: State Fair & Exodus to Lake Country. I also provide updates on my Weekend 3 Things & Operation Outreach
Importance of Building Community Around You
August 11th, 2018 | 54 mins 37 secs
building community, community, family, friends, healthy living, making friends, neighbors, podcast, sacrifice, sacrifice for others, service to others, small scale life forum
In this episode, I am on the road and talking about building community. Humans are social creatures, we are not meant to live in this world alone
Midweek Motivation: Turn Off Social Media
May 9th, 2018 | 6 mins 8 secs
community, family, friends, healthy lifestyle, life lessons, midweek motivation, mindset, nature, small scale life podcast, turn off social media
Gary Vee recently said that the cell phone is the remote control of today’s society, and your activity on Social Media is nothing more than the reality shows of our current year. Why not turn off Social Media, put down the cell phone, and enjoy people and nature instead?
Midweek Motivation: Sacrifice for Others
March 22nd, 2018 | 12 mins 9 secs
community, family, friends, healthy living, making friends, marines, midweek motivation, neighbors, podcast, sacrifice, sacrifice for others, service, service to others
What does real sacrifice look like? Two Marines who gave all in defense of their Band of Brothers in Iraq in 2008 show us what real sacrifice is, even in this modern era. While you might not make the ultimate sacrifice for others, what can you do to help your family, neighbors and community around you?
Midweek Motivation: The Greatest Showman - Friends, Creativity and Drive
February 21st, 2018 | 8 mins 2 secs
adventure, creativity, drive, friends, healthy living, midweek motivation, podcast, pt barnum, the greatest showman
This episode is all about the lessons learned from the life of PT Barnum and the movie “The Greatest Showman.” There are some great lessons learned about friends, creativity and unstoppable drive from the life of PT Barnum, and Tommy Cakes tells you some of those lessons in his own unique way.
BellCast: Winter Urban Farming Blues
January 21st, 2018 | 1 hr 26 mins
bellcast, friends, garden, gardening, instagram, mindset, podcast, small business, small scale life podcast, tribal, tribalism, urban farm, urban farming, urban homestead
Michael and I discuss urban farming in cold weather and high winds, and we will discuss the effect on his crops and his plan moving forward. We discuss some future projects and building soil using Regenerative Agriculture techniques discussed in a recent seminar by Gabe Brown. We also discuss the NFL games last weekend including the Minneapolis Miracle.
Stoic Farming and Tribalism with Scott Hebert
January 9th, 2018 | 1 hr 19 mins
beard, friends, garden, gardening, healthy living, mindset, small business, stoic, stoic mettle podcast, tribal, tribalism, urban farm, urban farming, urban homestead, vlog
In this podcast, we discuss a number of topics including farming, stoicism, his podcast Stoic Mettle, launching his Vlog, developing a tribe and growing and maintaining his beard.
Twas the Night Before Christmas
December 24th, 2017 | 23 mins 15 secs
carols, christmas tradition, family, friends, heritage, holiday, tradition
We are establishing our own tradition on today’s episode of the Small Scale Life Podcast! For the second year in a row, I am reading “Twas the Night Before Christmas” for you and your family.