Small Scale Life Podcast
Learn, do grow and be a little better everyday!
We found 6 episodes of Small Scale Life Podcast with the tag “adventure”.
Drifting to Driftless: Cedar Rapids and Decorah Adventure
July 25th, 2022 | 30 mins 14 secs
adventure, drifting to driftless, go outside, wandering
In this 207th episode of the Small Scale Life Podcast, I introduce the Drifting to Driftless Series by focusing on my recent Adventure in Cedar Rapids, Mount Vernon and Decorah, IA.
On the Road: Exploring Tomah, Wisconsin
June 28th, 2018 | 23 mins 16 secs
adventure, backroads, barn, bees, breweries, cranberries, crops, explore, farm, fields, food, homestead, hops, mainstreet, rail, railroad, rural, rurallife, silo, simple life, simple living, small scale life, smalltown, sunrise, sunset, tracks, trains, wineries
This podcast is focused on my observations and thoughts as I explored in the areas around Tomah, Wisconsin. Of course, I talked about buying our home in Minneapolis and about the future as well.
Midweek Motivation: The Greatest Showman - Friends, Creativity and Drive
February 21st, 2018 | 8 mins 2 secs
adventure, creativity, drive, friends, healthy living, midweek motivation, podcast, pt barnum, the greatest showman
This episode is all about the lessons learned from the life of PT Barnum and the movie “The Greatest Showman.” There are some great lessons learned about friends, creativity and unstoppable drive from the life of PT Barnum, and Tommy Cakes tells you some of those lessons in his own unique way.
Thank You for 20,000 Downloads!
January 16th, 2018 | 7 mins 51 secs
about, adventure, blog, gardening, healthy lifestyle, podcast
We wanted to say thank you for hitting 20,000 downloads since starting this podcast a couple years ago! As we kick off 2018, it is great to take a brief look at how 2017 compared to 2016.
Congratulations, Jay and Andrea!
November 10th, 2017 | 5 mins 9 secs
adventure, family, goals, homestead, life lessons, mindset, tribe
As we celebrate Jay and Andrea's marriage, I decided to go beyond simple congratulations and provide them some advice from 24 years of marriage
Review FX's Show "Taboo"
January 28th, 2017 | 32 mins 32 secs
adventure, fx, fx taboo, taboo, taboo show, tom hardy
On his character James Keziah Delaney, Tom Hardy said, "All progress lies in the actions of the unreasonable man." If you watched the first episode of the FX's show "Taboo," you will indeed see the actions of an unreasonable and mysterious man. In this episode of the Small Scale Life Podcast, I review this new show and dive into the characters, plot and reviews for this new show.