Winter Driving and Survival Tips

Episode 29 · December 21st, 2016 · 44 mins 30 secs

About this Episode

Winter is here with all its fury.  In the past couple weeks, we have gotten over 12 inches of snow and have endured subzero temperatures.  The wind chill in Minnesota has pushed temperatures to -20 to -30 degrees Fahrenheit.  It feels like our typical mid-January freeze!  In these conditions, winter driving can be treacherous.  Since I drive in some remote rural areas, I have started paying close attention to conditions and my own preparations.  Of course, things happen fast and sometimes you can find yourself stuck in a drift (yes, it happened yesterday). I did some research about driving and surviving in the cold, and figured it would be helpful to pass this information along to you. This episode is titled Winter Driving and Survival Tips, and is Part 2 of last week's podcast on Winter Tips which focused on preparing yourself and your house for the winter.

Podcast Topics for Winter Driving and Survival Tips
[caption id="attachment_1385" align="aligncenter" width="800"] So you want to walk across that in the freezing cold?[/caption]
In this podcast, I discuss the following topics:
Vehicle Safety Kits
Winter Driving Tips
Survival Tips if You are Stuck

[caption id="attachment_1386" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Winter roads are pretty, but they can be treacherous![/caption]
During this episode of the Small Scale Life Podcast, I mention the following links:
Small Scale Life Podcast Season 1 Episode 20: Winter Tips
Pep Boys: Jump-Starting Your Battery Using Another Car
Ready Wisconsin: How to Make a Winter Survival Kit
Small Scale Gardening Facebook Group
MN-WI Regenerative Agriculture Facebook Group
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